- Introducing the solution you've been searching for:
Take control of your future with Mobster to Mentor Online Training - don't let fear hold you back!
Are you ready to take control of your mindset and start living a life of faith, love, peace of mind and ease in just 10 weeks? Our coaching program offers you the opportunity to master your mindset through proven psychological techniques that will have a lasting impact on your success. Gain access to powerful tools that will help you achieve your goals and join a community of like-minded individuals who will support and encourage you every step of the way. With certified mentors leading the journey, you’ll have the guidance and expertise you need to make real and lasting change in your life. Don’t wait any longer to start living the life you’ve always dreamed of – sign up for our coaching program today and take the first step towards a brighter future.
Ready for it?
What if you woke up tomorrow, and you were
Ready and prepared to approach your boss and ask for that raise.
Ready to transform your health, create new habits and truly be able to stick with it.
Ready to start that business you have always wanted to start.
Ready to buy the house or go on the vacation.
Ready to face your fears with confidence.
Ready to change your lifestyle and live a healthier happier life.
Ready to change careers with confidence!
Ready to leave the past behind you and start living in the now.
Ready to forgive those you need to forgive, move on, and never look back?
Ready to have a relentless plan for the future that will help you achieve your goals and dreams?
MOBSTER to MENTOR Method 10 Week Online PROGRAM

This Incredible system will give you back the control you've been yearning for!
We all have an inner villain “THE MOBSTER ” that is working against us.
It wears different haircuts: fear, stress, worry, anxiety, exhaustion, doubt.
The good news: We all have an Inner Mentor. This is our inner guide that directs us down the path to our own happiness and success.
This 10-week program will help you identify the villain, your Inner Mobster, and replace them with your Inner Mentor. This is a proven framework that uses a step-by-step approach to teach you how to get UNSTUCK in any and all aspects of your life.
3 Certified Coaches will help mentor you through each module. Alongside those coaches is a safe, creative, non judgmental and welcoming community of like-minded TG Solutionizers who support you and each other every step of the way!
This 10-week framework will stop the mental chatter, help you regain clarity and live a life of faith, love, peace of mind and ease!
The Mobster to Mentor Program has helped:
- People whose family had never owned homes purchase their first home.
- Parents rebuild relationships with their kids.
- Entrepreneurs take their business to the next level by creating new revenue streams.
- Employees develop the courage to ask for a raise or start their own business.
- Women who have broken free from the prison of depression and anxiety!
I knew if I could heal my own scars, then this could work for others, too!!!
Your lowest point, your mental breakdown, your fears, your Inner Mobster, IS NOT what defines you.
My intent is to share my story so that others can say “if she can do it, so can I…”
I have been using these tools for years, and I believe this is just the beginning for your story and mine.
Let’s take the next step together.
Sign Up for the Mobster to Mentor Method Today!
Includes Access To:
- The 10-Week Mobster to Mentor Program
- The Mobster to Mentor Tribe and TG Solutionizer™ Community
- 10 Live 1-Hour Group Coaching Sessions
- All Needed Student Materials and Supplements
- 3 month Free Access to our Transformational Solutionizer membership APP
The next Mobster to Mentor Method 10 Week Program Starts Soon!
- $2497
6 payments of
The Mind and Mindset Matter
The Mobster to Mentor Method is a mindset mastery program.
It is important that we understand the science and the inner workings of our brain. It is necessary to develop a mindset to manage our thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, memories and mental noise.
- The limbic system is a group of brain structures that help connect the mind to the body.
- The hippocampus is a part of the limbic structure that stores memories with sensory input: when you are at the beach and the aroma of the ocean brings back childhood memories.
- The amygdala attaches emotional definition to our memories and assists the brain to form fear-focused memories: when you feel the heat of the stove, you remember the time you got burned. It’s an instinct mechanism of protection.
- Once those fear-based memories are established, they aren’t easily removed.
- After a lifetime of memory storage, your brain can sometimes perceive a threat that isn’t even there before it has all of the facts based on past history. Anxiety can jump up in a second.
- What is MOST IMPORTANT is knowing you can learn how to manage those fear-based memories that trigger anxiety and stress.
- You can learn how to stop them in their tracks with healthy, all natural tools like breathing, meditation, focus changes, new habits, and daily tools.
- You can learn to reprogram your brain to better manage that noise. You can learn how to add more and more positive memories to reframe experiences and create more internal peace.
The Mind and Mindset Matter
In 10 Weeks of the Mobster to Mentor Method
You will learn how to use a multitude of tools to help manage your Inner Mobster and let your Inner Mentor thrive.
The 3 trained and certified coaches will mentor you through numerous strategies so you will not only understand how your Inner Mobster assumes control, but you will learn how to process your thoughts differently so that your Inner Mentor stays in the driver’s seat.
- Peace of mind, courage and confidence can be yours!
- Make decisions with confidence and overcome self-doubt.
- Put your past in the past - and keep it there.
- Become empowered to live your best life.
- Stop the fear now so it does not continue to grow.
- Focus on and allow healthy & positive thinking.
- Learn how to put the negative thoughts away the minute they show themselves.
- Ten 1-hour live weekly sessions
- Recordings of all live meeting for later reference.
- Weekly video presentations covering the focus of each week’s module.
- Transcripts of those videos
- Transcripts of those videos
- Explainer videos
- eBooks
- MP3's
- Exercise Worksheets
- Exercise Workbooks
- Weekly messages to provide encouragement and reminders.
- Bi-weekly emails supporting you with each weekly module’s instructions.
- Community Support through the Mobster to Mentor tribe. This is a group of people who have gone through the same framework you did, and are committed to changing their life, one day at a time. This is an invaluable part of the M2M program and will help you build a team of supporters around you.

Our Team
Our 3 Certified Coaches are your 3 Mentors

Maria Ingardia-Brody
Co-author of Breaking Free: From Mobster to Mentor and business owner of 25+ years, Maria is the lead mentor throughout the program who takes a no b.s. approach and teaches you how to speak your truth and keep moving forward.

Sheila Brody
Winner of multiple business awards and co-author of Breaking Free: From Mobster to Mentor, Sheila is the co-founder of the Green Spa. With over 25+ years of experience in leadership, entrepreneurship, building, Sheila's big-picture thinking helps push her mentees to the next level.

Maureen Brody
Cancer survivor, founder of the Legend of The Spa organic healing products and operator of the Green Spa, Maureen uses her experience with cancer and knowledge of products to mentor people through the importance of a holistic approach to health.
Seats in the Mobster to Mentor Method 10 week program are limited.
Usually $2,497, you now have access to all 3 coaches, 10 weeks of training material and a transformational community for only $997.
Program Details
Intro to The Course
- Turn dreams into tangible, specific & measurable goals.
- Create momentum and massive action around where you're going.
- Develop beliefs around why you want to get there.
- The top things all successful people do every single day that you aren't doing.
- Breaking your Omerta & learning to use your voice.
- Learn the framework in a strategic pattern and proven success model that successful people know to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
WEEK 2 - MOdule 1
The Brain vs. The Mind
- Uncover the truth about what goes on inside your brain.
- Identify what is holding you back from living the life you want to live.
- Unlearn all of what you have been told about everything you have been told about how your brain works.
- Learn how to unwire and rewire different connections inside your mind in a strategic way that leads to very different outcomes.
- Learn the different parts of your brain and the science behind what is really holding you from what you want.
Week 3 - Module 2
- How to let go of the energy of the past & grant pardon.
- How to gain control of your own thoughts, feelings, outcomes.
- The power of the energy you’re putting out into the world.
- Breathing techniques that help you transform stress.
- The top 3 things you can implement immediately to take control of your energy.
- How you can actually transform energy when it’s not serving you.
Inner Mentor vs Inner Mobster
- Learn the strategies to quickly win the most important battle of your life bringing you to win the war that has been going on for far too long.
- Leading to a life of faith, peace, love & ease.
- Identify what's keeping you stuck in fear, stress & anxiety
- Truly learning how to become loyal to you, to become your own true best friend and fuel your happiness.
- Secrets that allow you to raise the volume on the good in your life.
- Assessing every day behaviors to break the fear, stress and anxiety cycles.
- Uncover the art of communication and learn proven methods to finally getting your message across and finally be heard.
- Learn how to take accountability and responsibility for what you’re communicating to the world.
- Why people don’t actually hear what you’re saying.
- The Three most important types of communication.
- Top words that are holding you back from reaching your goals.
What are our Ego States
- Discover the truth around your “Ego” and the States that keep you from living authentically and getting what you really want in life.
- Learn what speaking your truth and your ego has to do with taking back true control of your life!
- How to know what ego state you are in.
- The truth behind how you speak, what you do and how you act that controls your life.
- What are the different ego states that have taken me and my life over.
How to Change Your Ego States
- Master your emotions, and you master your life.
- Learn the proven methods that help you stay in control of your ego and the outcome of every experience you will ever have moving forward.
- The most important time to create real and lasting change in your life.
- Learn the actual methods used to create the blueprint and rehearse your new life and stay in control of where you’re going.
- How to interrupt patterns that have been holding you back for years and really digging into the how to Mastering your Mindset and your Life.
What are our Ego States
- Identify who else would be in charge of fulfilling your life.
- Learn how to create self-fulfilling prophesies and fulfill the exact life you want to live.
- How to tell what it really is that you believe about your life and why that matters.
- What it means to become self-made and why that is so important.
- Uncovering your SFP and changing it to attract what you really want.
Affirmations: Affirming your new life
- Learn how to properly use affirmation and the mistakes most people make about affirmations that keeps them stuck in old patterns and behaviors.
- The science behind what an affirmation is and what it actually does and why they are so powerful.
- The 5 W’s of affirmations.
- Writing affirmations that propel you forward toward what you actually do want.
Keeping the Momentum
- Congrats! One of the most unstoppable forces on earth is momentum. You are now in motion and unstoppable.
- Review the top tips, tricks and tactics to keep the momentum going long after the course has ended.
- Next steps and support to keep your self-loyalty contract.
- Your Free One-to-One 1-Hour Call.
Money Back Guarantee
This program is for people committed to taking their career, their health and their life to the next level. We know not everyone is ready for the commitment this course requires.
We offer a no hassle, 7-day money back guarantee. If this program isn’t for you, let us know in the first 7 days, and you’ll receive 100% of your money back!
The Mobster to Mentor Method might not be for you if:
- If you are not willing to put in the work, set goals, hold yourself accountable to achieving those goals, this program is not for you.
- You are not ready to commit to meeting weekly with the coaches & Mobster to Mentor Community
Join the Mobster to Mentor Tribe Today!
There has to be a point in everyone’s life where they finally decide to do something for themselves. This is your chance to reclaim your life, regain peace, and invest in yourself!
Legal Disclaimer
For best results, you must be willing to take the course material seriously and study rigorously. Results are not promised or guaranteed. We make every effort to represent our product accurately; however, we, our mentors and our modules do not guarantee results.
For testimonials, you may see results claimed; however, you should not expect the exact same results unless your business, mind, body, soul, and resources are the same as the individual giving the testimony. We avoid the use of statements meant to look forward; if you see a statement containing this, it is merely intended to express our opinion of potential.
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